Week 2: 9/5

Reading Journal (Rig Veda Pages 29-31):

In this text, the way that the author depicts his beliefs, in regards to the existence of the universe was intriguing and caught my attention. The narrator believes that a man indeed was behind the creation of the world. For example, “he pervaded the Earth on all sides and extended beyond it as far as ten fingers” (10.90.1) this line caught my attention because of the way the narrator makes it seem like the Hymn of Man had the power to spread Earth, and make it as large as it is. The authors choice of statement with “extended beyond it as far as ten fingers,” the authors wanted to convey how much of an influence the Hymn of man accomplished towards Earth; this supports his belief that a man had a role in creating Earth.

Moreover, another part of Hymn of Man that caught my attention was how the narrator would specify the relationship between the Hymn of Man and significant parts of the world. This includes, “the moon was born from his mind; from his eye the sun was born…from his head the sky evolved” (10.90.13-14) this line created some thoughts in my head. Some of these thoughts were that the narrator believes that each body part of the Hymn of the Man had a connection with the world, which then created these elements in the world. The narrator uses figurative language , specifically imagery to embody these relations within the world and Hymn of Man. In the way, that he describes how each body part of the Hymn of Man represents an aspect of the universe.

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